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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Xbox One first look revealed by MicroSoft

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Microsoft has revealed the first look of Xbox one, which is the next generation of entertainment and video games. since after 7 years of Xbox 360, Microsoft announced this Xbox one with the new features of gaming and entertainment. Microsoft Xbox One is the one of the biggest gaming gadget in next generation gaming world.

The new features are added in this Xbox One are..
  • Xbox One will respond to your voice and also detect your heart beat. Simply says as "This is human controller and human experienced" said by Marc whitten.
  • The new controller is more ergonomically correct and has a new d-pad.
  • Microsoft landed exclusive partnerships, including with the NFL.
  • Microsoft studios plans to launch 15 new games for Xbox one in the 1st year and also 8 new branded franchises are included. 
  • Call of duty: Ghosts is feature of this Xbox One.
xbox one controller reviews
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More features are will be announce in the E3 conference in June.